Bulk Operations with Traversals, Now Composed

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As I’ve written previously, if you have an operation

process :: A -> IO B

and you need to do this operation in bulk, i.e. turn multiple A’s into multiple B’s, then it’s a good idea to represent it as

processBulk :: Traversable t => t A -> IO (t B)

This type describes an invariant, that the B’s returned are in a one-to-one correspondence with the input A’s, and forces us to eagerly check/enforce this invariant. As we’ll see, this actually also makes such bulk operations composable.


Throughout this post we’ll use a running example of orchestrating bulk select queries to a database with the following toy schema:

┌─────┐               ┌──────┐               ┌────────┐
└─────┘               └──────┘               └────────┘
                         │              ┌────────┐

If we have two bulk processes that we need to pipe one after another, then it’s no surprise that we can just compose them with >=>:

  :: Traversable t => t PaymentID -> IO (t OrderID)

  :: Traversable t => t OrderID -> IO (t UserID)

  :: Traversable t => t PaymentID -> IO (t UserID)
  = orderIDByPaymentID >=> userIDByOrderID


Suppose for some reason we’ve decided to separate the function that selects product ID’s that belong to an order, and the function that selects the actual data of the product by its ID.

  :: Traversable t => t OrderID -> IO (t [ProductID])
  -- ^ The nested [] is to reflect the multiplicity relationship:
  -- One order ID maps to 0 or more product ID's

  :: Traversable t => t ProductID -> IO (t ProductData)

  :: Traversable t => t OrderID -> IO (t [ProductData])
productDatasByOrderID = ???

How do we compose the two functions? We can start with productIDsByOrderID >=> ??? but then the resulting ??? has expected type t [ProductID] -> IO (t [ProductData]), which is not what we’ve got.

Note that the choice of t we make when calling productDataByID doesn’t have to match the t we’re given as implementors of productDatasByOrderID. Instead what we can do is use productDataByID at type Compose t []:

productDataByID @(Compose t [])
  :: Compose t [] ProductID -> IO (Compose t [] ProductData)

With some newtype wrapping/unwrapping, we get:

fmap getCompose
  . productDataByID
  . Compose @t @[]
  :: t [ProductID] -> IO (t [ProductData])

i.e. exactly what we want. Putting the puzzle pieces together, we can implement the function:

  :: Traversable t => t OrderID -> IO (t [ProductData])
productDatasByOrderID orderIDs = do
  (productIDs :: t [ProductID]) <- productIDsByOrderID orderIDs
  (productDatas :: Compose t [] ProductData) <-
    productDataByID (Compose productIDs)
  pure $ getCompose productDatas

This possibility is due to there existing an instance (Traversable f, Traversable g) => Traversable (Compose f g).


Suppose we want to select the data of an order by ID, and also the related products:

  :: Traversable t => t OrderID -> IO (t OrderData)

productDatasByOrderID -- implemented up above
  :: Traversable t => t OrderID -> IO (t [ProductData])

  :: Traversable t => t OrderID -> IO (t (OrderData, [ProductData]))
orderWithProductsByID = ???

We could start with taking the collection of order IDs and feeding them to the two functions like so:

orderWithProductsByID orderIDs = do
  (orderDatas :: t OrderData) <- orderDataByID orderIDs
  (productDatas :: t [ProductData]) <- productDatasByOrderID orderIDs

but then we’re left with a puzzle of how to zip together two t structures. However the only thing we know about t is that it is Traversable, and that is not actually enough to zip arbitrary structures together.

We may note that they’re not actually arbitrary structures, as each operation here preserves the shape, and thus orderDatas and productDatas must have the same shape and thus we’re morally entitled to zipping them. You may be reaching for mapAccumL to unsafely zip them, or for a Bazaar to represent them as length-indexed vectors, but there’s a much more safe and direct alternative to this.

We’re going to get productDatasByOrderID to do the zipping for us, and we’re going to do it by passing OrderData through it, and we’re going to do it for free, without changing productDatasByOrderID.

The trick is to tuck OrderData into the t. Just like we represented t [X] as Compose t [] X, we can represent t (X, Y) as Compose t ((,) X) Y:

fmap getCompose
  . productDatasByOrderID
  . Compose @t @((,) OrderData)
  :: t (OrderData, OrderID)
  -> IO (t (OrderData, [ProductData]))

Alright, but how do we get t (OrderData, OrderID) if what we have is t OrderData and t OrderID? We can do the exact same trick again: we thread (a copy of) OrderID through orderDataByID:

fmap getCompose
  . orderDataByID
  . Compose @t @((,) OrderID)
  :: t (OrderID, OrderID)
  -> IO (t (OrderID, OrderData))

With a little glue we can put the puzzle pieces together:

orderWithProductsByID orderIDs = do
    dupedIDs :: t (OrderID, OrderID)
    dupedIDs = orderIDs <&> \i -> (i, i)
  Compose (idsAndOrderDatas :: t (OrderID, OrderData)) <-
    orderDataByID (Compose dupedIDs)
    orderDatasAndIDs :: t (OrderData, OrderID)
    orderDatasAndIDs = idsAndOrderDatas <&> swap
  Compose (ordersAndProducts :: t (OrderData, [ProductData])) <-
    productDatasByOrderID (Compose orderDatasAndIDs)
  pure ordersAndProducts


Equipped with these tricks we fear no query:

  :: Traversable t
  => t UserID
  -> IO (t (UserData, [(OrderData, [ProductData], [PaymentData])]))
usersEverything userIDs = do
  let uiui = userIDs <&> \i -> (i, i)
  Compose uiud <- userDataByID (Compose uiui)
  let udui = uiud <&> swap
  Compose udoi <- orderIDsByUserID (Compose udui)
  let udoioi = Compose (Compose udoi) <&> \i -> (i, i)
  Compose udoiod <- orderDataByID (Compose udoioi)
  let udodoioi = Compose (udoiod <&> swap) <&> \i -> (i, i)
  Compose udodoipi <- productIDsByOrderID (Compose udodoioi)
  Compose (Compose udodoipd) <- productDataByID (Compose (Compose udodoipi))
  let udodpdoi = Compose (udodoipd <&> swap)
  udodpdyi <- paymentIDsByOrderID udodpdoi
  udodpdyd <- paymentDataByID (Compose udodpdyi)
  pure $ getCompose $ getCompose $ fmap (\(x, (y, z)) -> (x, y, z))
    $ getCompose $ getCompose $ getCompose udodpdyd

Actually maybe I fear that query. Can you keep track of the types, cause I for sure cannot. What’s the type of udodpdyd?

          ((,) UserData)
      ((,) OrderData)
    ((,) [ProductData])

There’s got to be a better way.


Up to this point we’ve been treating the traversable approach as a “design pattern”. Haskell’s rich type system actually allows us to precisely capture the nature of this pattern and abstract it as a type:

newtype BulkFunction a b
  = BulkFunction (forall t. Traversable t => t a -> IO (t b))

productDataByID :: BulkFunction ProductID ProductData

Now we can also abstract the compositional glue we’ve used into well-defined functions. Sequencing gets the simple type:

BulkFunction x y -> BulkFunction y z -> BulkFunction x z

Actually the base library has a typeclass for this kind of operation, and having made a newtype, we can write an instance:

class Category (q :: Type -> Type -> Type) where
  id :: q x x
  (.) :: q y z -> q x y -> q x z

instance Category BulkFunction where
  id = BulkFunction pure
  BulkFunction f . BulkFunction g = BulkFunction (f <=< g)

Actually before we go too far, note that there is already another instance of Category, whose id is pure and whose . is <=<:

newtype Kleisli m a b = Kleisli (a -> m b)
instance Monad m => Category (Kleisli m)

It makes sense to abstract out the _ -> IO _ part as a parameter, and delegate to its instance of Category:

newtype Bulk p a b = Bulk
  { runBulk :: forall t. Traversable t => p (t a) (t b) }

instance Category p => Category (Bulk p) where
  id = Bulk id
  Bulk f . Bulk g = Bulk (f . g)

productDataByID :: Bulk (Kleisli IO) ProductID ProductData

We’re also going to need to be able to map over the a and b parameters, this is achieved by making it an instance of Profunctor, from the profunctors library:

class Profunctor (p :: Type -> Type -> Type) where
  dimap :: (x -> y) -> (z -> w) -> p y z -> p x w

instance Profunctor p => Profunctor (Bulk p) where
  dimap f g (Bulk h) = Bulk (dimap (fmap f) (fmap g) h)

Another Take at Nesting

Next up we have a notion of nesting: we were able to “lift” productDataByID like so:

productDataByID :: Bulk (Kleisli IO) ProductID ProductData

productDatasByIDs :: Bulk (Kleisli IO) [ProductID] [ProductData]
productDatasByIDs = Bulk
  (dimap Compose getCompose $ runBulk productDataByID)

Generalizing this, we have:

liftList :: Profunctor p => Bulk p x y -> Bulk p [x] [y]

In fact, generalizing even further, we arrive at:

  :: (Profunctor p, Traversable t)
  => Bulk p x y -> Bulk p (t x) (t y)
liftContainer (Bulk f) = Bulk (dimap Compose getCompose f)

The profunctors library has a typeclass for profunctors that support this operation:

class Traversing q where
  traverse' :: Traversable t => q x y -> q (t x) (t y)

instance Profunctor p => Traversing (Bulk p) where
  traverse' = liftContainer

Another Take at Zipping

The trick of tucking/threading data into the traversable is an example of something called profunctor strength:

class Strong q where
  first' :: q x y -> q (x, z) (y, z)
  second' :: q x y -> q (z, x) (z, y)

instance Profunctor p => Strong (Bulk p) where
  second' = traverse'
  -- ^ slick definition also leveraging `Compose t ((,) c)`
  first' f = dimap swap swap $ second' f

With these two functions we can define a “fan-out” operation:

fanout :: (Category q, Strong q) => q x y -> q x z -> q x (y, z)
fanout f g = dimap (\x -> (x, x)) id
  (second' g . first' f)

which can in particular be specialized to q ~ Bulk p, whence it supplies the same input to two processes, and “zips” their results.


What we’ve just defined looks very similar to the &&& operator from Control.Arrow, both in type signature and in implementation:

class Category q => Arrow q where
  arr :: (x -> y) -> q x y
  first :: q x y -> q (x, z) (y, z)
  second :: q x y -> q (z, x) (z, y)

  (***) :: q x y -> q z w -> q (x, z) (y, w)
  f *** g = second g . first f
  (&&&) :: q x y -> q x z -> q x (y, z)
  f &&& g = (f *** g) . arr (\x -> (x, x))

And indeed it is. base cannot depend on profunctors, but morally Arrow is equivalent to Strong+Category, because the typeclasses can be inter-defined like so:

instance Arrow q => Profunctor q where
  dimap f g h = arr g . h . arr f
instance Arrow q => Strong q where
  first' = first
  second' = second

instance (Strong q, Category q) => Arrow q where
  arr f = dimap f id id
  first = first'
  second = second'

Under this identification we see that fanout is actually equal to &&&, and the following is sufficient to define Arrow:

instance (Profunctor p, Category p) => Arrow (Bulk p) where
  arr f = dimap f id id
  first = first'
  second = second'

Note that if we instead defined arr f = Bulk (arr (fmap f)), this would unnecessarily require Strong p.

Another Take at Scalability

Equipped with Arrow, Traversing, etc typeclass methods as compositional glue combinators, we can take another stab at defining a large query out of smaller pieces:

userDataByID :: Bulk (Kleisli IO) UserID UserData
orderDataByID :: Bulk (Kleisli IO) OrderID OrderData
productDataByID :: Bulk (Kleisli IO) ProductID ProductData
paymentDataByID :: Bulk (Kleisli IO) PaymentID PaymentData
orderIDsByUserID :: Bulk (Kleisli IO) UserID [OrderID]
productIDsByOrderID :: Bulk (Kleisli IO) OrderID [ProductID]
paymentIDsByOrderID :: Bulk (Kleisli IO) OrderID [PaymentID]

  :: Bulk (Kleisli IO)
    (UserData, [(OrderData, [ProductData], [PaymentData])])
  = userDataByID
    &&& (traverse' orderEverything . orderIDsByUserID)
    orderEverything = dimap id (\(x, (y, z)) -> (x, y, z))
      $ orderDataByID
        &&& (traverse' productDataByID . productIDsByOrderID)
        &&& (traverse' paymentDataByID . paymentIDsByOrderID)

Much better. What’s the type of orderEverything?

  :: Bulk (Kleisli IO)
    (OrderData, [ProductData], [PaymentData])

Now you can compose these bulk processes pretty much the same way as you can compose ordinary functions, except you’re forced to use point-free style, because you can’t give names to intermediate values using lambda binders.

Or can you? With the Arrow typeclass comes the Arrows extension which normally gets very little use, but works perfectly here. Just like a do-block lets you give names to results of monadic actions, a proc block lets you give names to values flowing in a string diagram, which is then “compiled” down to Arrow operations.

Here’s what the function looks like using arrow syntax:

  :: Bulk (Kleisli IO)
    (UserData, [(OrderData, [ProductData], [PaymentData])])
usersEverything = proc userID -> do
  userData <- userDataByID -< userID
  orderIDs <- orderIDsByUserID -< userID
  orders <- traverse' orderEverything -< orderIDs
  returnA -< (userData, orders)
    orderEverything = proc orderID -> do
      orderData <- orderDataByID -< orderID
      productIDs <- productIDsByOrderID -< orderID
      paymentIDs <- paymentIDsByOrderID -< orderID
      products <- traverse' productDataByID -< productIDs
      payments <- traverse' paymentDataByID -< paymentIDs
      returnA -< (orderData, products, payments)

With all intermediate values named, the code is self-documenting, you can add type signatures to the intermediate values, do some (irrefutable) pattern matching, construct return values (normally you’d probably be using a record type instead of this (,,) triple).

As an exercise to the reader, you can figure out the connection between Choice and ArrowChoice, how traverse' gives you right' for free, and what that lets you do in terms of arrow syntax and DB queries.

The profunctors Package

The Bulk type actually exists in the profunctors package as CofreeTraversing, and there is a WrappedArrow newtype to evidence that an Arrow is Strong, and that an ArrowChoice is Choice, but it’s lacking a mechanism to observe the converse, i.e. that CofreeTraversing can be used with arrow syntax. However it is simple enough to add a blanket newtype wrapper that would translate Strong into Arrow and so on.


A note about query performance: if we’re talking to a real database, the implementation of, say, userDataByID will have to build something like a Map or HashMap of values the DB has returned, in order to build the resulting traversable. usersEverything is composed out of multiple such functions, and in essence what happens is we send several queries to the DB, and glue their results together using Map or HashMap. This is essentially like executing a JOIN query using a Merge Join or a Hash Join strategy, except that the Merge/Hash Join part has been moved out of the DB’s query planner and into our application. This has the disadvantage of depriving the query planner of the possibility to make an optimal choice based on the exact query and the data. Taking full advantage of the query planner would require making an SQL query builder – definitely possible but a little outside the scope of this post.

Also, beware of long IN ('x', 'y', ...) lists, instead consider a VALUES list (which can be IN‘d, or JOIN‘ed with).