From Semialign to Crosswalk

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As explained in the official docs for Traversable, a traversable functor can be intuitively decomposed into a “shape” and a list of “elements”:

type Shape t = t ()
shape :: Functor t => t a -> Shape t
shape xs = () <$ xs

decompose :: Traversable t => t a -> (Shape t, [a])
decompose xs = (shape xs, toList xs)

We can even recombine the shape and the elements together, but note that length (shape xs) = length xs = length (toList xs), and this becomes a requirement for being able to recombine:

recombine :: Traversable t => (Shape t, [a]) -> t a
recombine (s, elems) =
  case mapAccumL (\(x:xs) () -> (xs, x)) elems s of
    ([], res) -> res

In a dependently typed language we could precisely encode this invariant with a dependent sum/dependent pair and a length-indexed vector:

type Decomposition t a = { shape :: Shape t | Vector (length shape) a }

In fancy math terms, we have a fibration shape :: t a -> Shape t, whose total space is t a, and its base space is Shape t. Given a specific shape s :: Shape t, we have the fiber over s: a set of values of type t a that have shape s. As the above decomposition shows, this fiber is isomorphic to Vector (length s) a, i.e. a product of exactly length s copies of a.


The function length encodes a relationship between shapes and natural numbers. In general it can be arbitrary: given some set of shapes S and some function l :: S -> Natural, we have a container:

type C a = { s :: S | Vector (l s) a }

such that Shape C is isomorphic to S, and length = l (via the aforementioned isomorphism).

For a general traversable functor you know nothing about how its space of shapes is structured, and the Traversable interface is centered around the notion of preserving the shape: you work on one “container” at a time, and whatever shape comes in, also comes out. To work with multiple containers at once, we need additional structure to talk about how their shapes interact.


A problem often occurring in the real world is that of zipping lists together. There’s a function called that tries to address this problem, but for lists of uneven length it truncates at the shorter list, and silently ignores the tail of the longer list. For some tasks this is unsuitable, and instead you want to take the longest of the two lists, padding the shorter one in some manner. As far as I can understand, this is the original problem that these and later semialign set out to solve.

There we see things like:

data These a b = This a | That b | These a b

class Semialign t where
  align :: t a -> t b -> t (These a b)

instance Semialign []
instance Ord k => Semialign (Map k)

It may be tempting to assume that we can simply take the “longer” container, and then combine the elements by padding the “shorter” container. But, say, in case of Map k that’s not even well defined. For Map.singleton 'x' 3 and Map.singleton 'y' 2, neither can be said to be “longer” than the other, and what we probably want to get out of combining them is actually Map.fromList [('x', This 3), ('y', That 2)].

If we focus on what happens to the shapes of the containers:

join :: Semialign t => Shape t -> Shape t -> Shape t
join s u = () <$ align s u

we see that we’ve actually made up a binary operation that is:

For [], whose shapes are identified with natural numbers, this is the operation of taking the maximum of two numbers. For Map k, it is the operation of taking the union of two sets.

What’s left is figuring out what happens to the elements. We’ve combined a container of shape s with length s elements and a container of shape u with length u elements, to obtain a container of shape join s u with length (join s u) elements. So how are the input elements related to the output elements? Parametricity forbids us from actually changing the element values, so we are restricted to talking about locations of the elements.

We expect that the shape join s u has locations that were there in s, locations that were there in u, and locations that were there in both; but not locations that weren’t in either. This is enforced by giving align the following type:

align :: t a -> t b -> t (These a b)

In addition to the commutativity, associativity, and idempotency properties that can be expressed using just shapes, we have to preserve the structure of the elements. Elements form an ordered list, and align preserves this structure. As we map locations from s to join s u, we don’t lose or duplicate any, and we preserve their order:

toList xs = mapMaybe here (toList (align xs ys))
    here :: These a b -> Maybe a
    here (This x) = Just x
    here (That _) = Nothing
    here (These x _) = Just x

The attribution of locations done by align can be demonstrated on a diagram like this:

A diagram demonstrating the attribution of locations when semialign'ing two maps


Where there’s a binary operation, there’s a potential for having units. We want nil :: Shape t such that join xs nil = xs. For elements we expect a stronger property: an element of align xs nil is never attributed to an element of nil, thus:

align xs nil = This <$> xs

A way to enforce this using types is to say that actually nil :: t Void, and then align xs nil :: t (These a Void), and These a Void is forced to be the This constructor. This implies that nil has no elements (length nil = 0).

The semialign library uses an equivalent formulation:

class Semialign t => Align t where
  nil :: t a

The left unit laws (join nil ys = ys, align nil ys = That <$> ys) follow from commutativity of align.

Aside: Lattices

A semilattice is a structure that can be defined from two different perspectives:

For example, the max operation on the naturals is connected to the ordinary <= relation on the naturals. The union of sets is connected to the relation of being a subset.

So partially ordered sets are a “superclass” of semilattices, but to observe this we have to forgo of the join binary operation and work with <= instead.

On shapes, <= is a relation and doesn’t carry any data. With elements, we see that in the case that s <= u, we have to introduce the data that relates the locations in s and the locations in u. We expect that a location in u is related to 0 or 1 locations in s, and that the order is preserved. This can be captured as a pair of maps:

In terms of the container type t, we could assign them types like:

expansion :: Shape t -> t a -> Maybe (t (Maybe a))
restriction :: Shape t -> t a -> Maybe (t a)

but these don’t capture nearly enough invariants, which we have to state as additional axioms:

if expansion s xs = Just ys then:
  shape ys = s
if restriction s xs = Just ys then:
  shape ys = s
isJust (expansion (shape xs) ys)  <=>  isJust (restriction (shape ys) xs)

Here’s a diagram demonstrating these, given s = Set.fromList ['a'] and u = Set.fromList ['a', 'b']:

A diagram demonstrating the attribution of locations when expanding or restricting a map
Here's a better attempt:
class (Functor t, Foldable t) => PartiallyOrdered t where
  exchange :: (t a, t b) -> Maybe (t (b, Maybe a), t (a, b))
  -- If exchange (xs, ys) = Just (xs', ys') then:
  --   fst <$> xs' = ys  (corollary: shape xs' = shape ys)
  --   fst <$> ys' = xs  (corollary: shape ys' = shape xs)
  --   catMaybes (toList (snd <$> xs')) == toList xs
  --   toList (snd <$> ys) `isSubsequenceOf` toList ys
  -- If exchange (xs, ys) = Just (xs', _)
  -- and exchange (snd <$> xs', zs) = Just (xs'', _) then:
  --   exchange (xs, zs) = Just (xs'' <&> \(x, mmy) -> (x, join mmy), _)
  -- If exchange (ys, zs) = Just (_, zs')
  -- and exchange (xs, snd <$> zs') = Just (_, zs'') then:
  --   exchange (xs, zs) = Just (_, zs'')
  -- exchange (xs, xs) = Just (xs <&> \x -> (x, Just x), xs <&> \x -> (x, x))

isSubshape :: PartiallyOrdered t => Shape t -> Shape t -> Bool
isSubshape s u = isJust $ exchange (s, u)
-- corollary: 'isSubshape' is a partial order

expansion :: PartiallyOrdered t => Shape t -> t a -> Maybe (t (Maybe a))
expansion s xs = exchange (xs, s) <&> \(xs', _) -> snd <$> xs'
-- corollary: expansion (shape xs) xs = Just (Just <$> xs)
-- corollary: fmap join <$> (expansion s xs >>= expansion u) = expansion u

restriction :: PartiallyOrdered t => Shape t -> t a -> Maybe (t a)
restriction s xs = exchange (s, xs) <&> \(_, xs') -> snd <$> xs'
-- corollary: restriction (shape xs) xs = Just xs
-- corollary: restriction s xs >>= restriction u = restriction u xs

This superclass should have a compatibility law with Semialign:

expansion (shape (align xs ys)) xs = Just (here <$> align xs ys)
if expansion s xs = Just ys then:
  align s xs = maybe (This ()) (These ()) <$> ys
Nested aside: restriction Semialign only captures the expansion part of the relation. To capture the restriction part too, we would need to change the type of align to something like:
align :: t a -> t b -> (t (These a b), t (a, Maybe b), t (Maybe a, b))
-- expand the two inputs to the union shape, but also restrict the union shape
-- to the two shapes of the inputs


Where there’s a transitive relation, there’s potential for duality. The opposite of a least upper bound is a greatest lower bound. That means for x and y there’s a “lower bound” L (L <= x and L <= y) that is “greatest” (if M <= x and M <= y then M <= L).

Equivalently, it means there’s a binary operation which we’ll denote meet that is commutative, associative, and idempotent. How is it different from join? Well, it isn’t really. But it has a different connection to the <= relation:

x <= y  <=>  x = meet x y

So by defining join and meet on the same set, we mean that they share the same <= relation, which actually means they are a kind of opposites:

x = meet x y  <=>  y = join x y

A more common way to write this is called the “absorption laws”:

join x (meet x y) = x
meet x (join x y) = x

Once these are satified, the resulting combination of the join-semilattice and the meet-semilattice is called a lattice.

For example the opposite of max on naturals is min, and the opposite of unions of sets is intersection of sets. What does this mean for our containers? That we’re defining an operation that takes the shorter of the two lists, or the intersection of two maps. Such operations are also useful quite often, and it helps that they are special cases of a general pattern. The semialign library defines a typeclass with a method named zip for this purpose.

For elements, just like align expands the two inputs to the smallest shape that can fit them both, zip would have to restrict the two inputs to the largest shape that fits inside them both. Restriction never skips over locations in the output, so the type is:

zip :: t a -> t b -> t (a, b)

Restriction may however drop input elements. But it does preserve order:

toList (zip xs ys) `isSubsequenceOf` toList xs

Restriction has compatibility laws with zip:

restriction (shape (zip xs ys)) xs = Just (fst <$> zip xs ys)
if restriction s xs = Just ys then:
  zip s xs = ((),) <$> ys
Nested aside 2: expansion Dually, Zip doesn't capture the expansion part of the relation. We would need to modify zip to also return the input shapes with the intersection shape expanded into them.


An additional requirement that join and meet can satisfy is distributivity. This is expressed as either of the two equivalent conditions:

join (meet s t) u = meet (join s u) (join t u)
meet (join s t) u = join (meet s u) (meet t u)

However, care must be taken with generalizing these properties from mere shapes to elements. Suppose xs :: t a, ys :: t b, zs :: t c, then:

align (zip xs ys) zs :: t (These (a, b) c)
zip (align xs zs) (align ys zs) :: t (These a c, These b c)

Suppose there’s a shape s such that s <= shape xs and s <= shape zs, but not (s <= shape ys). Then it follows that not (s <= shape (zip xs ys)) and s <= shape (align (zip xs ys) zs). This means that elements of xs that can be restricted to s will have been dropped when zipping with ys, and elements of align (zip xs ys) zs that can be restricted to s will never be attributed to anything from xs. On the other hand, we have s <= shape (align xs zs), meaning zip (align xs zs) retains elements of xs that can be restricted to s, and thus so does zip (align xs zs) (align ys zs).

In general, we can consult the truth table of (X and Y) or Z, which is equivalent to (X or Z) and (Y or Z):

X Y Z | (X and Y) or Z
0 0 0 | 0
0 0 1 | 1
0 1 0 | 0
0 1 1 | 1
1 0 0 | 0
1 0 1 | 1
1 1 0 | 1
1 1 1 | 1

The 1 entries correspond to presence of elements, and 0s correspond to absence. Thus the most general type of element that we can use for the result of combining 3 containers this way is a datatype with 5 constructors, which can be mapped to These (a, b) c and (These a c, These b c):

data AndOr a b c
  = C c
  | BC b c
  | AC a c
  | AB a b
  | ABC a b c

toThesePair :: AndOr a b c -> These (a, b) c
toThesePair (C z) = That z
toThesePair (BC _y z) = That z
toThesePair (AC _x z) = That z
toThesePair (AB x y) = This (x, y)
toThesePair (ABC x y z) = These (x, y) z

toPairThese :: AndOr a b c -> (These a c, These b c)
toPairThese (C z) = (That z, That z)
toPairThese (BC y z) = (That z, These y z)
toPairThese (AC x z) = (These x z, That z)
toPairThese (AB x y) = (This x, This y)
toPairThese (ABC x y z) = (These x z, These y z)

Note the dropping and duplication of data, which doesn’t let us express these as a simple function from These (a, b) c to (These a c, These b c) or the other way. Instead we have to assert that there exists some rs :: t (AndOr a b c) such that:

align (zip xs ys) zs = toThesePair <$> rs
zip (align xs ys) (align ys zs) = toPairThese <$> rs

The other distributive law, relating zip (align xs ys) zs and align (zip xs zs) (zip ys zs) turns out to be simpler. The truth table for (X or Y) and Z shows that the most general type of element is equivalent to (These a b, c), which can be turned into These (a, c) (b, c) using distrPairThese, thus the law is:

distrPairThese <$> zip (align xs ys) zs = align (zip xs zs) (zip ys zs)

Distributivity actually adds a lot of rigidity into the structure of a lattice, that we can use to more easily reason about them. Birkhoff’s representation theorem states that every finite distributive lattice is a sublattice of the lattice of sets, under regular operations of union and intersection. This means that t ~ Map k is in a sense a universal example, and every other example is merely restricting Map k to a subset of shapes. For example, lists can be thought of as Map Natural with the restriction that keys have to start from 0 and be consecutive.

Equivalently, every distributive lattice is a sublattice of the product of some copies of the two-element lattice, which corresponds to t ~ Maybe. This means that a container type can be “factored” into individual locations, each of which can be filled with an element or not, and the “names” of these locations can be consistent between the different shapes of the container. For example, “3rd element of the list” is a location that makes sense for all lists, but in some lists it’s merely not filled with an element.

Caveat: the factors need not have exactly 1 element Birkhoff's representation theorem technically talks about join-irreducible elements of the lattice, which for containers means a shape that is not the union of non-nil shapes. This leads to the following couple of pathological examples:
instance Semialign (Const Bool) where align (Const x) (Const y) = Const (x || y)
instance Zip (Const Bool) where zip (Const x) (Const y) = Const (x && y)

data Maybe2 a = Just2 a a | Nothing2
instance Semialign Maybe2 -- self-evident
instance Zip Maybe2 -- self-evident
The lattice of shapes in both cases is isomorphic to the two-element lattice, but in the first case the join-irreducible lattice element is Const True, which has no elements; and in the second case the join-irreducible lattice element is Just2, which has 2 elements.


The nil shape is the unit of join, and equivalently, the least element in the (semi)lattice. Similarly, meet can have a unit, or equivalently, the greatest element. A lattice with a least and a greatest element is called a bounded lattice.

We can call this full :: Shape t. Then we expect that the result of zipping with full will keep every location, i.e. full itself has an element for every possible location in any other shape it could be zipped with.

The semialign library again opts for a Yoneda encoding:

class Zip f => Repeat f where
  repeat :: a -> f a

The two are related by full = repeat () and repeat x = x <$ full.

For lists this corresponds to an infinitely long list (hence the name of the method). For maps this would be a map with all keys present, though this is only possible with a containers map if the key type is finite.


A common intuition for Applicative is that it allows us to define a family of ways to lift functions of arbitrary arity:

  :: Applicative f
  => (a1 -> a2 -> ... -> an -> r) -> f a1 -> f a2 -> ... -> f an -> f r
liftAN f xs1 xs2 ... xsn = f <$> xs1 <*> xs2 <*> ... <*> xsn

Equivalently, we can commute f with a tuple of arbitrary width:

pairN :: Applicative f => (f a1, f a2, ... , f an) -> f (a1, a2, ..., an)
pairN (xs1, xs2, ... , xsn) = liftAN (,, ... ,,) xs1 xs2 ... xsn

Let’s consider Semialign on the other hand. If we apply align twice to combine 3 containers, we end up with a type of elements like These a (These b c). If we enumerate the possibilities, we can see that this type encodes a non-empty sub-tuple of (a, b, c). In general, applying align multiple times to combine N containers will yield a container with some nesting of These that encodes a non-empty sub-tuple of N types:

  :: Align f
  => (f a1, f a2, ..., f an) -> f (These a1 (These a2 (... (These an Void) ...)))
theseN (xs1, xs2, ... , xsn) = align xs1 (align xs2 (... (align xsn nil) ...))

We can think of sequenceA as taking a container apart into its shape and list of N elements, then applying the applicative pairN to the elements, then fmapping the result with a function that combines the N elements and the shape back into the container. Analogously, we can envision a function that takes a container apart into its shape and list of N elements, then applies theseN to the elements, then fmaps the result with a function that reassembles the container. This function will receive only a non-empty subset of the elements, and so may need to change the shape of the container.

The semialign library calls this Crosswalk, and provides an interface similar to Traversable:

class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Crosswalk t where
  sequenceL :: Align f => t (f a) -> f (t a)
  crosswalk :: Align f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)

The intuition behind this class should be that a crosswalk allows you to select a non-empty subset of the locations in a container. Remembering that Maybe is an Align, we can see this in action:

sequenceL @_ @Maybe :: Crosswalk t => t (Maybe a) -> Maybe (t a)

This is similar to catMaybes (or its generalization in witherable), but with a twist: if the container is all Nothings, we fail and return Nothing. As such, the container being crosswalked doesn’t have to support being empty.

The prototypical examples of a Crosswalk are:

semialign doesn't provide instances for NonEmpty and Map k so here they are
instance Crosswalk NonEmpty where
  crosswalk f (x NonEmpty.:| []) = NonEmpty.singleton <$> f x
  crosswalk f (x NonEmpty.:| y:zs)
    = alignWith assemble (f x) (crosswalk f (y NonEmpty.:| zs))
      assemble (This x) = NonEmpty.singleton x
      assemble (That xs) = xs
      assemble (These x xs) = x NonEmpty.<| xs

instance Crosswalk (Map k) where
  crosswalk _ Map.Tip = nil
  crosswalk f (Map.Bin _ k v l r)
    = assemble <$> (crosswalk f l `align` f v `align` crosswalk f r)
      assemble (This (This l')) = l'
      assemble (This (That v')) = Map.singleton k v'
      assemble (That r') = r'
      assemble (These (That v') r') = Map.insertMin k v' r'
      assemble (This (These l' v')) = Map.insertMax k v' l'
      assemble (These (This l') r') = Map.glue l' r'
      assemble (These (These l' v') r') = k v' l' r'

More generally, sequenceL can be thought of as a generalized transpose, but not the kind that you get by traversing with a ZipList, but rather the one from Data.List, which can deal with lists of uneven length by skipping over holes.

Here’s a diagram desmonstrating an example with t ~ [] and f ~ Map Char:

A diagram demonstrating selecting a subset of locations using crosswalk

Note how for locations that never occur in the f (e.g. the 'd' key), we don’t produce a location in the result, thus we never need to construct an empty t.

Note that in general the Crosswalk t structure has nothing to with the Semialign t or the Zip t structure. For t ~ Map k they are compatible, but for lists sequenceL will skip over holes, and elements that follow holes will have been moved to different indices.