About me

I use the username mniip on most platforms, pronounced /mniːp/.
Professionally, I’m a software developer, but my interests lie in the general trifecta of programming, mathematics, and physics.
I have programmed in too many languages to meaningfully list, but my favorite would be Haskell. I firmly believe in the static analysis approach to software, that programs should be correct by construction. As such I am interested in advanced type systems and proof assistants.
I have a taste for technically sophisticated (and often probably overengineered) solutions to problems with non-standard constraints. This ranges from slick applications of pure functional programming, to esoteric languages, to osdev and embedded.
On the math side of things I am into category theory, type theory, theory of computation, but also functional analysis and quantum information.
You may have heard of me because:
- I run the largest mathematics Discord server.
- I am staff on Libera.Chat, previously freenode.
- I helped develop The Powder Toy, a falling sand sandbox game.
- Github: @mniip
- E-mail: mniip mniip com
- Discord: @mniip — you will need to share a server with me to DM me.
- IRC: mniip on Libera.Chat.